You must be wondering "What does MyoFITT even mean?" well "Myo" is greek in origin and relates to muscle; FITT is the acronym around which a good exercise program is guided (Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time). If an exercise program is structured properly using FITT; not only will you be fit but #MyoFITT! :)

If you're interested in simple tips on how to keep your muscles and other systems working maximally then stick around (make sure to subscribe) as I provide research and evidence based guides we all can integrate. Remember to ALWAYS consult your Doctor and or Physiotherapist before integrating any tip/advice you see online.

Without further ado I'm Raejean a Physiotherapy from the beautiful island of Jamaica. Truth be told I can hardly master a sport but I loooove exercise (not a marathon runner or heavy weight lifter) but I have come to appreciate the wonderful benefits of exercise to gain, grow and maintain the power and strength that already lies within us to truly maximize our quality of life.

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