Your Christmas guide to food and fitness


There are 2 times I get really excited each year. One is for my birthday and the other is... you guessed it, Christmas! 

During this season we get invited to a million family dinners and office parties which almost always have the best selection of food 😁. During the season we get so consumed by gift shopping, airport runs, office parties and making plans for the family that even if we were consistent with our exercising during the year we somehow fall off.

But have no fear! I'm here to be your voice of reason as you walk towards the nice food spread with ham slices and roast beef.

1. Choose the healthier options
I've found that by placing vegetables on my plate first I hardly have room for much of the more unhealthy options. Choose good Carbs; ditch the rice and try healthier choices like sweet potato, brown rice or CousCous. If you're in charge of catering the sides ensure you have healthy options and add a variety of vegetables.

2. Avoid overeating
While this might not be the easiest thing, try to have a healthy snack before dinner (I know we grew up hearing that this will ruin our appetite but it might be of benefit this time around) when we are extremely hungry aka starving its highly likely that we'll go overboard when serving and not only that but go for more carbs than we actually need. Also remember to NEVER skip a meal.

3. Make time for yourself 
Its highly unlikely that you'll outrun 🏃 all the food you'll eat this season; try to get at least 30-45 minutes of high intensity workouts in. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise may boost your metabolic rate for the next 24 hours.

4. Family exercise session
Why not incorporate a Christmas morning exercise session (what better way to bond with the ones you love?). If you have a fitness app go ahead and find a routine that even grandma can be apart of. If not get a few of the latest dance moves together and jam to your favorite Christmas songs I promise they'll love it!

Happy Holidays!
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