10 tips for BACK to school

10 tips in time for BACK to school!

Another school year is upon us and as you buy all the supplies your children, nieces or nephews need I've decided to share 10 tips that will help to reduce any complains of back pain this year so they can focus on keeping those grades ↑ UP.

1. Buy the correct size bag.

Bags should fit comfortably in the middle of the back either at waist level or 2 inches above and just below the base of the skull.

2. Bags with 2 straps.

Two is always better than one. This allows  for comfortable distribution of weight. Avoid single strap and sling bags altogether.

3. Lift bags from the ground using legs.

Bending your back to lift (especially over weight school bags) will only add excess stress/weight on the spine which may cause back pain and if done repeatedly may damage structures of the spine.

4. Bags with wheels are a PLUS!

This allows your child the choice to pull the weight instead of carrying it around repeatedly.

5. Get bags with multiple compartments

Remember to always pack heavier books and electronics first so you know just how much more can hold; pack these items in larger compartments closer to the back and use all compartments as this will facilitate even distribution of the weight being carried.

6. Limit the weight in the bag.

Research has concluded that a child's backpack should not be more than 10- 15% of the child's body weight. Ways to reduce this includes leaving heavier books at school or at home; get electronic copies of textbooks if they are available; carry an extra bag. If your child has to lean forward when walking then this is a definite RED flag.

7. Advise change in posture throughout the day.

This one I think goes without any recommendation as I don't know a child that sits in their seat for the entire class. But if your child happens to be one, its good to speak with the teacher and ask to allow your child to get up and take a few steps after 30 minutes to an hour of prolonged sitting especially if good sitting posture is not being maintained.

8. Practice good sitting posture.

This may be one of the harder tips to implement as at a tender age we practice to slouch, slump or hunch at our desks. They may not feel the effects now but I'm sure we know just how much our backs can hurt. We can begin by practicing good sitting posture at home around the dinner table, while watching television until this becomes innate which makes it waaaay easier.

9. Weight loss

If all they did for the past 6-8 weeks was eat and sleep then a few extra pounds might just pop-up on the scale. The good thing is the doctor will identify this during their back to school medical and better advise you on your childs ideal body weight.

10. Good night's rest.

Good posture isn't only practiced in standing and sitting but in lying as well. Ensure the full 6 - 8 hours required so that your child/children will be well rested and ready for the day ahead.

All the best for BACK to school!

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