Happy New Year!

As we open our diaries to 2018 with some of us finalizing our goals and New Year's resolutions, I hope you'll be making one for exercise. Your goal might be to begin an exercise routine and stick to it this year for sure (just like every other year). Fear not for you are not alone. I have decided to share 6 tips that I hope will help you achieve your goal.

Get an accountability partner.
This is someone that is highly dependable a no nonsense type of person that will tell you to "pull your socks up" whenever you're slacking off. Someone that is highly disciplined. Try to stay away from friends and family members that you know will be excited and helpful in the beginning but will dwindle as time progresses.

Find your WHY. 
I'm pretty sure we all have the basic understanding of at least one benefit from regular exercise, that may be your reason for wanting to work out or it can be that you just want to "look better" whether by losing weight or looking "toned". Experts have told us time and time again that if your WHY is strong enough then you'll keep at it even when you don't feel like. Always remember that you are doing this for YOU.

Identify things that can help to motivate you.
If it is that you love clothes find nice gym accessories that you'll look forward to working out in. If it is that you want to have a particular look, find a picture print or save it on your device(s) use it as your lock screen wherever you need to put it so you can look at it each day.

Get a routine that works for you.
Exercise is never a one size fit all approach. Ensure to get advice and a program tailored to you based on your goals from a trained and certified professional. Never try to figure things out on your own.

Don't be too hard on yourself.
Don't forget you're just starting out or getting back on track cut yourself some slack it may take a few weeks or months to really get into the habit. So what if you missed a few days or a week DON'T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF YOU CAN DO IT!

Reward yourself.
Set sub goals (with a timeline) and as you achieve these goals treat yourself in whatever HEALTHY way you want.

As always I hope these suggestions will help you begin/continue your journey. Don't forget we all struggle from time to time. I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT!

Thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and share your experience in the comments section. 


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