3 Questions to ask before joining the gym in 2019


We're only 4 days in and I already feel so behind lol. Nonetheless. I wish you and yours all the very best that 2019 has to offer!

In true New Years style most of us have made or are in the processes of making our goals/resolutions for this year, and as always there's a spot for exercising and eating better....... Let's not forget the promise we've made to ourselves that THIS will be the year we follow through.

Before you fall into the trap of old habits past. Let me be your guide with my top 3 questions you need to ask yourself before signing up for the gym this year.

1. Do I need a personal trainer?

YES YOU DO! Even if this isn't your first time in the gym. Its all nice to try to replicate the workout routines you see on YouTube and Instagram but it's a whole different ball game to actually execute these exercises PROPERLY without injuring yourself in the long run. A good personal trainer will help you to identify the appropriate weights to use and correct your form while doing your exercises.

2. Do I need to get medical clearance first?

If you are like many of us who suffer from pains multiple places on our bodies (that has somehow become apart of our daily existence) its best you speak with your Physician and or Physiotherapist; they will help you to identify the possible root cause of your pain and help you to correct it before starting the gym. This will help to lower your risk of injuries as well.

3. How many days do I need to exercise each week?

First you need to create the time in your schedule and not just leave it up to chance or whenever you're free. Be deliberate with your scheduling.
I would recommend starting out with 3 days per week with a rest day in between workouts. Your body will need the time to recover especially if this is your first time back in the gym after a few months or years.

I can't wait to hear your 2019 Fitness goal(s). Feel free to share with us in the comments section. We'll talk soon 😀.
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