The Amateurs' Run Club Pt. 1

I'll be doing a series dubbed "The Amateurs' Run Club". In posts to come I'll be sharing my experiences and challenges I've faced with running and how I've managed to overcome them. 

Welcome to 
The Amateurs' Run club!

My Running Background
My love for running started when I was at university which soon after starting felt like a LOVE/HATE relationship. There were few things I enjoyed more than lacing my shoes and heading out, BUT there came a time when running was more pain than it was pleasure. I ended up with a few injuries the WORST of which were reoccurring shin splints! 😰 soooooo after many FAILED attempts to "fix the problem" to my dismay I was advised to give up on running and try something else 👎. For more reasons than one I decided that I would take a few months off which quickly turned into years 😱.

Fast forward to few years later, I decided ENOUGH was ENOUGH and like the true trooper I am, I took to a colleague (who's also an avid runner) who was gracious enough to impart some knowledge about the Do's and Don'ts of running. I also did my own research and now years later I'm running again (NOT AS A PROFESSIONAL OR MARATHONER) and I've never felt better to be enjoying my first love once more.

My top 5 Amateur Recommendations 

  1. Invest in a GOOD pair of running shoes!
  2. When starting out NEVER compare your time and pace with others. Find your steady state and stick to it! (will discuss what your "Steady State" is in another post)
  3. Train on terrains that are easy on your joints eg. in the grass/ park vs on the road
  4. Be sure to warm up and do your stretches BEFORE and AFTER your run (I find dynamic stretches give be a better stretch).
  5. JUST HAVE FUN! Don't beat yourself up the first couple times trying to set a personal best.  Be patient with yourself and celebrate your victories (like being able to run the entire route instead or doing a run/walk)

I hope you've found this at least a little helpful. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE I wouldn't want to RUN this without you. See you soon!

P.S- Feel free to share your running experience(s) in the comments below 👇


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  2. The shin splints were my biggest problem back in high school. The tough (more like hard cracked clay) surfaces we played football on in those days weren't a huge help either.

    Thanks for the getup and go

    1. Yes the surface that we train on plays a HUGE impact as well. I hope you’ve gotten past that and ready to give it a try once more!


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