Amateurs' Run Club- My top 4 Go-To Exercises

Hi guys!

Today I'm sharing with you my top 4 Go-To strength training exercises and why I chose each to be apart of my top 4. 

As we train it is always important to add various forms of exercise and mobility work to our workout regime. Why? Simply put, too much of one form of exercise is not good enough; it increases our risks of injury. 

If you're new to exercise and running is what you've decided to start with then GREAT! I recommend however that you incorporate at least 2 days of strength training to your program as well.

These exercises are simple enough to get you started and can be modified to be either easier or harder depending on your fitness level. They mainly concentrate on strengthening lower limbs, back and core muscles which are essential muscle groups for everyone especially runners.  

N.B- Always, consult your Physiotherapist or Physician before trying any new exercise.

So lets get to it!

  • Leg raises- This exercise strengthens Hip flexors (iliopsoas) and Abdominals (Rectus Abdominis, Internal and External Obliques). A strong core is key and keeps almost every other major muscle group in check!

  1. Begin by lying on your back (supine) maintaining a neutral spine position.
  2. Straighten both legs so that the soles of your feet are parallel to the ceiling.
  3. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale slowly lower both legs (you should feel your Abs and  hip flexors- on the front of your hips begin to work).
  4. Your stop point in where your back begins to arch from the floor. 
  5. Slowly inhale and lift your legs to your start position and repeat. 

  • Bridging- I looooove bridging because there are soooo many ways to modify it for a extra challenge and I always feel like my Hammies and Glutes get a good workout. Major muscle groups involved: Hamstrings, Glutes and Abs. (Rectus Abdominis)

  1. Begin by laying on your back, bend both knees so that the soles of your feet are planted on the floor.
  2. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Inhale and as you exhale push your heels into the floor and lift your hips toward the ceiling.
  3. Ensure that while in the bridge your hips remain higher than your chest.
  4. Lower and repeat.

  • Clamshells 💃 (these are my all time favourite! Shhh don't tell the others 😉) - This is great for our hip stabilisers. Having STRONG Glutes especially Gluteus Medius is very important in stabilising our hips helping to prevent back, knee and hip pain and injuries- just to name a few. So here we go!

  1. Lay on your side- Stack both hips one on top the other and keep both heels glued together.
  2. Try to maintain a neutral spine position while opening only the top knee towards the ceiling- while doing this make certain NOT to roll back. 
  3. Lower your leg complete a few reps and then switch sides.

  • Calf Raises- Because strong Calves are EVERYTHING! This exercises strengthens the 2 major muscle groups of the calf- Gastrocnemius (both medial and lateral), Soleus and Tibialis Posterior. Strong Calves mean a stronger push-off when running.

  1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart.
  2. Slowly lift your Heels as high as you can going on to your tippy toes- while trying to maintain your balance.
  3. Slowly lower your heels and repeat a few more times.

I've chosen these exercises because they can be varied in soooo many ways and still give a nice burn even if I have no equipment on hand. 

Do you have any Go-To exercises? Share them in the comments, I can't wait to hear what they are 😁

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