Let's talk Stretching!

Welcome Back MyoFam!

Today we're talking a little about STRETCHESSS! 

If you're like most persons, stretching is probably your least favourite part of workout or maybe you skip it altogether. BUT, I'm here to remind you that stretching isn't your enemy but instead should be your best friend. Think of stretching as the icing on the cake 🎂, the BIG THANK YOU 🤗 to your muscles after a good workout or training session. 

Persons pass up on stretching not because of a lack of knowledge on the importance or benefits, but for reasons such as: "its too long and boring" 👀 or "its too tiring"👀. Just as every other component in our routine it takes some effort and getting used to. Soooo give it a try and keep at it!

A short post-run stretching session for me is usually 5 minutes. My stretch routine changes after every run but here are 4 examples of stretches that I often do. I use low intensity long duration for each stretch because I find this waaaay more comfortable. I'll repeat each stretch twice and hold for 30 seconds. I also match this with diaphragmatic (belly- breathing) breathing which helps me to connect with my body and me more mindful during the session.

Targeted area- Calf and Hamstring

Target area- Hip flexors

Targeted area- Gluteus Medius & Piriformis

Targeted area- Quads 

More recently I've incorporated Muscle Energy Techniques (METs) and mobility work and I've been loving them!

Is stretching apart of your routine? If No, Why not? If Yes, which ones are your favourite?
I'd love to hear. 

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See you soon 😀