The Amateurs' Run Club Pt. 2

Welcome Back!

Last week I shared a little about my running background and gave my Top 5 Recommendations for Amateur Runners. This week I'll be sharing my preferred training types for my runs. Let's get to it! 🏃

Preferred Types of Running

When I first started running I was mostly fixated on finding my steady state which is more or less a Base Run. It took me a few runs to figure this out which I found fascinating at first but then after a few months I got bored with my training. 

Sooooo I decided to try:

  • Progressive Runs- For this type unlike my Base Runs (which I run for time) I run for a particular distance. During Progressive runs I generally start at my slowest pace and gradually increase, with the last mile being my fastest.

  • Fartlek- Came in most handy when I decided that I was no longer running with music; with music I began feeling distracted and disconnected from my body while running. After giving up my earphones I needed something to occupy my mind but at the same time wouldn't distract me completely. That's when I decided to try Fartlek. I give myself "mini goals" and "rewards" during the run which really does help to make the run easier by keeping me more focused and in tune with my body. 

  • Hill Sprints- An incline run is NEVER easy! I live in a great community with a great view overlooking the city. (If you're familiar with St. Andrew, Jamaica you'll know there are hills overlooking Kingston). With this great view came great inclines for training. I've found that incline runs and hill sprints help me a great deal in making my "flat" runs much more tolerable.

When it comes to running I'm always open to trying new types and new techniques to feel how my body reacts. It's AMAZING how our bodies can adapt!

What running types have you tried? What's your favorite? 
Feel free to share them below in the comments. 

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